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Wastewater Treat (WT) is a blend of scientifically-selected microbes formulated to reduce BOD, COD, TSS, sludge and odors in wastewater treatment, holding tanks and lagoons. WT increases Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) capacity while improving treatment results and reducing costs. WT is an excellent all-around product for wastewater designed to decompose and digest the biomass found in most municipal and industrial waste streams and is also an excellent choice for consuming nitrates, phosphates and ammonia.
WT works together with the existing microbial community to improve its ability to decompose carbohydrates, cellulose, proteins and fats. The product rapidly produces a wide array of enzymes that liquefy the target waste into digestible pieces for WT bugs to consume, leading to a more efficient, reliable and cheaper wastewater treatment process. Wastewater treatment is stressful, inject some instant reliability into your operation today.
90,000 animal per day poultry slaughterhouse had excessive surface fat, oils and grease (FOG) buildup and very bad odors in treatment tanks. Wastewater treatment capacity was 2,250 cubic meters per day with an 8 day retention time . Low efficiency in reducing BOD with final effluent at 860 mg/L.
Bio-Green Wastewater Treat (WT) microbes applied daily to wastewater treatment tanks.
Odors and surface fats, oils and grease (FOG) were eliminated. BOD reduced from 860 mg/L to 121 mg/L in effluent. Wastewater treatment plant efficiency was increased from 55% to 86% within 90 days of treatment.
Tequila Production Wastewater Treatment Plant
Raw wastewater from Tequila production with reduced aeration tank treatment capacity. Bad odors, heavy sludge buildup on tank bottom and heavy scum layer on top.
Bio-Green Distilled Spirits Treat (DST) and Wastewater Treat (WT) microbes applied to existing aeration tank once per day. Powdered product was applied via aeration tank inlet.
Bad odors eliminated in 7 days. After 14 days treatment, scum layer on top of tank almost eliminated. Level of water in the aeration tank dropped by >1 meter, representing >1 meter of sludge that was consumed at the tank bottom. Aeration tank treatment capacity increased due to reduction of sludge. Electricity costs reduced due to reduction in organic load leading to decreased load on aerators.
Food industry wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge. Daily flow rate of 1,200 cubic meters per day and 20 hours retention time. Excessive generation of sludge/solids, high maintenance costs and BOD of 1,690 mg/L.
Bio-Green Wastewater Treat (WT) was applied daily to the aeration tank.
Treatment began in May as shown with the blue bars in the chart. Sludge steadily declined and virtually eliminated within 6 months of treatment start. Sludge remained controlled for the following 2 years during which data records maintained. Significant operating cost reductions realized and treatment capacity increased. BOD reduced to 33 mg/L.
Shijiazhuang, China
Pharmaceutical wastewater with difficult to treat, recalcitrant COD >3,000 mg/L
Bio-Green Wastewater Treat (WT) microbes applied to the aeration tank; pH level was maintained in the neutral range.
COD levels reduced to <300 mg/L within 5 days of treatment start, meeting discharge targets. Sediment and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were reduced to non-detectable levels.