Microzyme’s Pit Puck is a microbial blend of naturally occurring microbes formulated especially for use in dairy operations. These microbes accelerate digestion of fecal matter liquefying the material for easier agitation and pumping of material to the field.

Each Microzyme Pit Puck contains 1.3 Trillion Bacteria. Bacteria breakdown the daily material that is added to the lagoon. Natural occurring bacteria cannot increase their population quick enough to keep up with the influent material. By adding bacteria to the lagoon bacterial levels will be able to digest the material added to the lagoon.

  • Powder


  • Accelerates digestion.
  • Liquefies solids and breaks down cellulose.
  • Lowers pumping cost.
  • Pump more out of your lagoon.
  • Fewer plugging problems.
  • Reduces odors and neighbor complaints.
  • Lowers BOD & COD.
  • Aids in meeting regulatory limits.