Beneficial Soil Bacteria (BSB) is a microbial blend designed to produce a wide array enzymes that break down and release nutrients in soil that were previously unavailable for root uptake, thereby increasing yield and reducing disease incidence.   Production of amylase, cellulase, lipase, protease, xylanase, esterase and assorted other enzymes improve the bioavailabilty of nutrients in the soil and support and healthier and larger plant.  BSB helps to maintain a healthy and balanced microbial ecosystem and soil structure cycle after cycle, is water-soluble and is effective across a variety of temperatures.  

Charge your soil, your crops, and your harvest with Beneficial Soil Bacteria

  • Powder
  • Powder


  • Breaks down and digests crude substrates in soil, leading to greater nutrient availability
  • Enzyme production, including amylase, cellulase, lipase, protease, xylanase and esterase
  • All natural and non-toxic biological soil amendment
  • Plant growth and heath promotion
  • Soil conditioning and improved soil structure​
  • Builds a healthy and diverse microbial ecosystem in soil
  • Active across a wide range of temperature conditions with both aerobic and anaerobic functionality