Poultry ProBiotic XL is designed to deliver healthier birds by protecting against a wide range of common poultry pathogens, while also allowing growers to get the most out of their feed.  The product produces antimicrobial secondary metabolites that provide protection against a wide range of common bacterial and fungal pathogens, including coccidiosis, colibacillosis and airsacculitis. Additionally, feed is maximized through the production of almost one hundred various beneficial enzymes that break down complex polysaccharides and degrade proteins, increasing their bioavailabilty.

ProBiotic XL contains only non-toxic, beneficial bacteria and is safe for both livestock and end users.  The product is able to thrive in a wide range of pH, temperatures and salinity.  Additionally, the ability of the product to form spores allows the beneficial bacteria to persist within the waste to then act as a biofertilizer.  Spores are able to survive to produce siderophores and iron binding proteins, thereby increasing iron in soil, along with other biochemicals that protect against plant pathogens and stimulate plant and root growth.

  • Powder
  • Powder


  • Protection against a wide range of bacterial and fungal pathogens, including coccidiosis, colibacillosis and airsacculitis
  • Get the most from you feed with enzymes specialized in breaking down complex carbohydrates (ex: plant fibers) and proteins
  • Increased phytase production which converts plant-based phytic acid into bioavailable phosphorus
  • Made with beneficial bacteria that is completely safe for use around humans and animals
  • Products grows in wide range of pH and temperature conditions and both with and without oxygen
  • Product will survive in poultry waste and act as a biofertilizer, stimulating plant and root growth